GHPCEDTweaked Logo

UPDATE 2023-06-08: This project is on an indefinite hiatus, due to me being unable to login to my computer one fateful day, causing me to switch to Linux (for now), and me losing all the files for GHPCEDTweaked. I'm going to have to rebuild all the features of GHPCEDTweaked from the ground up, which will cost me a lot of time.

Here is the original page before this update text:

GHPCEDTweaked is a work in progress!

I'm still working on the mod, it is unfortunately not complete!

Current features:

- Miss counter
- Steam-like FPS counter

Planned features:

- Splash text
- Fret color changer

You can join the discord for this mod for updates on the mod and website itself:
GHPCEDTweaked Discord

We also have a new custom song list:
Custom songs list